What is Abdominal Separation?
The six-pack muscle (Rectus Abdominis) runs from your breast bone to your pubic bone and is joined together with a strong fibrous sheath called the Linea Alba.
In Latin, Rectus means “straight” and Abdominis means “abdominals”.
“Linea” is referred to as “line” and “Alba” means “white” ie white line.
In some pregnancies, the Linea Alba becomes a little darker in colour and is visible on your stomach.
This is called Linea Negra which simply means “dark line”.
You may have heard people talk about your abdominal muscles “splitting”.
Your muscles don’t actually “split”, because they’re already in a separated state, as they’re held together by the Linea Alba which I mentioned above.
A split muscle is like a torn muscle, so if you’ve ever torn your hamstring, for example, you’ll know what this pain is like, and that’s why I avoid using that term myself.
What happens to the abdominal muscles during pregnancy is completely painless – you aren’t aware of it, and I like to refer to it simply as abdominal “separation”.
The Rectus Abdominis stretches vertically (up and down your stomach) to accommodate baby bump at your front, and when it can’t stretch any further up and down, it then starts to separate horizontally (from left to right).
So in effect, it’s the left and right sides of your six pack muscle that have separated from one another.
I guess it’s a little bit like the Linea Alba is heavy duty cling film stretching apart.
The muscles don’t separate in every pregnancy. It depends on a number of factors.
The separation can take place above the belly button, below the belly button, or both.
I run 6 week courses dedicated to restoring your core and pelvic floor. With education, understanding and regular re-connection exercises for your pelvic floor, you will get that flatter stomach, be stronger, and more confident…as well as being mum. This is for women who want their bodies to look, feel, and function better after having a baby. Even if it’s a long time since having a baby, it’s for all women. If you want a core and pelvic floor that works, that feels right and does its job, sign up now.